Many of you know me from decades ago as Danna Korn ~ I’m now (happily) Danna Van Noy. While many influencers in this industry are cookbook authors and post solely about recipes, my areas of expertise extend far beyond the food.
Yes, it IS all about the food, and 2 of my 8 published books are cookbooks. But where I bring more value is my expertise in the science, medical, social, psychological, and practical implications of the gluten-free lifestyle.
My Consulting Partnerships
I was a consultant for General Mills, Whole Foods, Wild Oats, Henry’s, Prometheus Labs, and other companies to create gluten-free products, promote awareness and testing, and be an advocate for the then-nascent and burgeoning gluten-free industry.
I was the Lead Consultant (partner) for General Mills to develop gluten-free ecommerce strategy and rollout of gluten-free products.

Bringing value, expertise, and credibility
I believe credibility and credentials are what’s been missing in the gluten-free online world, which is why I’m choosing to get back into it. Take a look at some of my credentials….
All of my books are published by credible publishers (I’m not “self-published”), and all have been reviewed by the world’s foremost authorities (M.D., Ph.D., and Dietitian) and given an “A+” for content.
I pioneered the gluten-free movement long before the internet existed, relying on med-school libraries and connections with the world’s foremost experts.
Founded the first (and only at the time) support group for kids on the gluten-free diet, R.O.C.K. (Raising Our Celiac Kids), which at the time had more than 100 chapters throughout the U.S. and Canada.
300,000+ Sold
8 published books by three separate publishers, with more than 300,000 books sold, and counting (Living Gluten-Free For Dummies, 3rd Edition released in early 2023) (and I was asked to write them, rather than the other way around).
Possibly working on #9 soon.
2,000+ Reviews
4.5/5-star ratings on Amazon with more than 2,000 total reviews, and counting.
Books translated into more than a dozen languages.
No Wheat, No Worries
June 2007 – Featured in People Magazine for my advocacy work. Deemed, “Gluten-Free Guru” and “Mom on a mission to save millions.”

Winner of ABC’s Leadership Award in San Diego
2013 Women-Owned Small Business of the Year
Danna Korn, CEO/Co-Founder, Sonic Boom Wellness – Carlsbad, CA

Celiac Walk in San Diego
Created and ran the annual Celiac Walk in San Diego to raise money for Celiac Research – hundreds of participants and dozens of vendors each year.

ABC’s 20/20 and beyond
Featured in hundreds of media features (TV, radio, print), including ABC’s 20/20 and other national syndicates.